Tuesday, May 25, 2004

It seems..

It has dawned upon me very recently that I am keeping this journal alive just to be an active user of blogger. Brand loyalty you can say - once they gave me a gmail account, I just feel like not letting them down :D

And so one more post - this one.

Even though blogger has introduced the comments feature, it's still not most satisfying. One cannot know when a comment was posted. Also thread system is presently non-existent. The templates too are not very impressive. Blogger still has some way to go before it swooshes past the other blogging sites.

But with google around, I wouldn't think it's far off. Adios.


Saturday, May 15, 2004

Blogger reloaded..

It's all new, and better. Good show blogger !

So this is my first posting after the new face of blogger has arrived, and I am happy. All new templates, lots of features, and most of all - commenting on blogger itself. Cool. Though this seemingly brings the existence of Haloscan.com to threats. Also, the comments to my old posts will be lost. But something has to be lost for what there is to be gained.

Blogger rules !


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Bad writing practice..

Hello world,

Well today I will talk about this very bad writing practice people follow, without realizing how annoying it is sometimes. And it is - no use of capital letters, no punctuations, and use of sms language while writing - arghh, annoying !

It is okay to do it once in a while in an email, or on sms - but please not always. I think people just let it be, not giving it much importance. But I, as a reader, tell you today that it is one big repulsion and it is important.

You may say - I do not think while I write, and I just let my thoughts flow in and post it, as afterall I write the blog for myself ! But dudes, you do the for myself things in private postings. And even if not, it is good to let go of your comfortable bad practices for your own good _someday_. And that will benefit the reader too ?! And please don't argue that it is not a bad habit !

I think it is fine to make spelling mistakes - ie, that is the one's you do not know of - not the one's you ignore while writing because you just let it be. That's a careless attitude in life. And why not care ? Please ! You are not soo pressed for time, everyone else knows this.

I post this as I do not like reading such material which reflects more of carelessness, and which I read because I have to read that. It's annoying :(


Saturday, May 01, 2004

I wish..

And I wish to know. Know so and so much..

of people and cultures
of travel and places
of foods and cuisines
of nature and earth
of life and philosophy
of music and dance
of God and Devil
of right and wrong
of science and paranormal
of you and
of me.
