Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Bad writing practice..

Hello world,

Well today I will talk about this very bad writing practice people follow, without realizing how annoying it is sometimes. And it is - no use of capital letters, no punctuations, and use of sms language while writing - arghh, annoying !

It is okay to do it once in a while in an email, or on sms - but please not always. I think people just let it be, not giving it much importance. But I, as a reader, tell you today that it is one big repulsion and it is important.

You may say - I do not think while I write, and I just let my thoughts flow in and post it, as afterall I write the blog for myself ! But dudes, you do the for myself things in private postings. And even if not, it is good to let go of your comfortable bad practices for your own good _someday_. And that will benefit the reader too ?! And please don't argue that it is not a bad habit !

I think it is fine to make spelling mistakes - ie, that is the one's you do not know of - not the one's you ignore while writing because you just let it be. That's a careless attitude in life. And why not care ? Please ! You are not soo pressed for time, everyone else knows this.

I post this as I do not like reading such material which reflects more of carelessness, and which I read because I have to read that. It's annoying :(
